ATTENTION Financial Advisors!



Would you like all of the tools and systems to add 25 new clients?

We are now accepting new members into our program for the 2024 cohort. If you are interested in receiving more information about our program and how to join, please click below to book a time with our program coordinator and they will give you the overview of the coursework and program requirements.

Sign Up

Thank you so much for your interest in our 25 New Clients in 6 Weeks Program!

We are starting this program, frankly, for a variety of reasons.

First: Nearly 90% of the advisor practices that contact us don’t qualify
for our High-Level coaching program.

We are currently coaching some of the top Advisor practices in the world. We have many, many single advisor practices, right now, that are in the $75,000 a month, $85,000 a month, $100,000 a month, $125,000 a month, $150,000 a month, and even more. Plus, we have about 10 of our advisor practices we work with are targeting $2 million a year in the coming months!

What we’ve decided to do is run this program to jump start advisor practices by adding 25 or more new clients to YOUR bottom line. This program is PURELY focused on a Grassroots Marketing Program – with all the tools you need to add 25 or more clients QUICK and GAIN momentum from there.

This program is the JUMP START that you need to RAPIDLY grow (or regrow your practice) in 6 weeks to 90 days.

What is this? It's a blitz! An intensive program that will give you every single tool you’ll need to add 25 or more new clients to your practice in a 6-week period. Now, to be fair and honest, some advisor practices will add 25 or more clients in 6 weeks. Other advisor practices within 6 weeks will have all the tools they need to hit that number in maybe 60 days or even 90 days, but in a very short period of time.

Some may ask, "What qualifies you to do this?" Well, if you don't know my background, go all the way back to when I opened 5 businesses in 18 months, 6 in 30 months. The business plan in every one of them was 25 or more clients in the first month, 200 clients in the first 90 days, and positive cashflow from month 1. And I hit that with every one of those.

This has been done by many clients I coach who hit high numbers over and over again and we have unlimited proof of this.

The term that they've started to use is drinking from a fire hose.

That was coined by one of my clients many years ago about their experience working with me and, it has stuck and been repeated many times. And the image, which is very clear, is creating so much NEW client and prospective client traffic that it's overwhelming.

And with our new members, that's what we teach them—how to drink from a fire hose and how to keep from being overwhelmed.

This six-week program is very inexpensive. It includes six sessions which are ALL interactive on Zoom. Any and all questions will be answered. We'll make sure we answer your specific question and give you the step-by-step answer. This is not just theoretical; this includes how to immediately implement. Check out our weekly syllabus below.

I will teach you some principles of marketing that you should know in order to really explode your growth. And if there's an expert in this industry on Sales, Marketing, and Filling Your Practice… I'm it.

With every session I will focus on an additional system that, once implemented in your practice, will explode your NEW client growth. There is always a new system that you can go out and immediately implement.

The focus is going to be predominantly on things that you can do with little or no budget, things that you can and will immediately implement, and that will create a huge flow of new quality clients for your practice.

It’s six weeks. Six powerful modules. With every module, you'll have an implementation strategy from your new session that you will do immediately.

Frankly, in each one of the modules, each process that I’m going to teach you is capable of enrolling 25 or more clients by itself. However, we're going to teach you a process that I call a Parthenon.

We'll create a Parthenon with pillars of many different systems that work together to create a FLOOD of traffic, and implemented consistently, create a steady flow of new clients regardless of season, style, target audience, or location.

I’m going to teach you systems that each, individually, are good for a massive home run. When you combine them all, you can create consistency; you can create a massive flood of new clients right away to jumpstart your practice! Within this six-week program, you should have every tool ... not should, you WILL have every tool you need to add a minimum of 25 or more new clients, which should translate to a minimum of $20,000 additional revenue per month (and most of that will be net profit.)

Now, I know that you may have struggled for years, and when I use numbers like that, it seems inconceivable. Or perhaps you used to own a thriving practice and “took a hit” and are now regrowing but slowly and/or painfully. Or you're tired of slugging along to all the local networking and community events to try to pick up new client relationships. You knew how to grow a good practice slowly, but now don’t want to wait 5, 10, or more years to regain past glories. This is your chance for that much-needed jumpstart.

Again, we have unlimited proof that I can show you with advisor practices that have gone from small to medium to large to huge and to the top half of 1% in the industry through the systems I teach. And, of course, it's going to be my team that will be joining me in helping you.

Also, we will have some other special guests. We're going to cover the entirety of community outreach, marketing, and host-beneficiary—in other words, finding people who already have your ideal prospective clients and are working with them. We're going to be working with all of the online tools: search, organic search, paid search, social media, including Facebook, et cetera. Plus we're going to cover community outreach, internal marketing, referral marketing within your practice, and many other things you can do easily to explode your practice growth.

And I'm going to share with you what I did repeatedly with my own business; what I’ve implemented for many did startups; and what I’ve used to fill advisor practices that needed a jumpstart over and over again.

And I'm going to share with you what's working today in this market right now with the top 1% of advisor practices that we're working with to flood their practice. One of them just onboarded 60 new clients last month implementing the Parthenon Theory. Again, I mentioned another one who added 158 new clients in 5 months. But we will show you everything that you need to do to really get your practice into the big leagues, to make sure you're making a 6-figure income, and to grow your financial advisor practice by 25 or more new clients.

Why am I running this Program? At such a ridiculously LOW fee?

As I mentioned before, most advisor practices who contact me just don’t qualify for our primary elite coaching program. I see this as a guaranteed way to jumpstart those advisor practices to the point where they can move to our full coaching/Mastermind program. So, what’s in it for me is growing YOU to qualify to work with my team at the next level and have the opportunity to help you get into the top 10%, then top 1% to a Seven Figure Plus Net Income and then multiply that while creating a lifestyle you would have never dreamed possible.

Now to be perfectly honest, I could be working in many other industries, but what keeps me permanently tied to financial advising is the incredibly positive impact that we have on our clients and on our community. My MISSION is to help financial advisors grow their client base, improve their client connections and referrals, and have a dramatic impact on their community. Since the crisis of the last few years, I have doubled down on that effort to have a massive impact on our communities through growing quality financial advisor practices and teaching them how to massively improve the impact that they have on their clients and on their community. If we do no more together than me just giving you the tools to flood your practice and to continue growing, I’ll be fulfilling that mission.

You don’t have to take my word for it.

In a member meeting we had just yesterday, one of our newest HUGE success stories shared he’d heard about our results for three years (!) before finally exploring it for himself. Why did he wait? Well in Paul Helsdon’s  (Chicago) language (not mine :) ) ,“ I had heard of what Jan was doing—she told me about the results your clients were getting. Frankly, I thought it was bullshit. I thought it was just exaggeration and bragging. I don’t want to think about how much I cost myself (he’s now a $90,000.00 a month practice) by waiting to check you out for myself.”


Another, Colby Winkler (MN) said just as bluntly: “Honestly, I thought you were an asshole. I’d seen you around the industry for years but friends, who in retrospect were broke and honestly ignorant, were badmouthing you. Then one time I ignored you and attended a free webinar. That one idea you gave me added $60,000 net income in December. That was enough for me to check out what you were doing. It’s been a tremendously eye-opening experience.”


Yet another, Scott Sullivan (Houston) said: “I was skeptical. I already have good clients. What I found is that he taught me how to have even better clients. I found that after working with just about everyone and thinking that I knew what was going on, I knew nothing!”  By the way Scott went from $24,000 a month to bursting at the seams and grossing over $90,000.00 a month with no increase in his expenses. (By the way he did 30 new client onboards for his practice last month).


How to Join

Set a time to talk and learn more ask any question, and make a decision:

  • Call or Text: 1-303-808-8719
  • Schedule Appointment below
   Schedule an appointment now!   

We have kept this very 6-week intensive inexpensive plus the program includes what we call our Extraordinary Advisor Marketing Program, which in and of itself is an invaluable tool and sells for $3,997. It was all recorded live at our high-level member meeting, and it covers the pillars of sales and marketing. There's a section that's a complete two-hour session on grassroots marketing. It covers the sales processes and so forth. It not only covers all of the A to Z of marketing, but also the introductory process, the discovery process, onboarding and so forth.

You'll get access to our top-level members through our discussion forum that’s very active—we’re all engaged, no question goes unanswered, and you'll get a variety of perspectives from very high-level advisor practices.

And we will include the 6 sessions, each 60 to 90 minutes, probably 90 minutes. It's every Thursday for an hour and a half, fully interactive on Zoom. You can ask any question. There's nothing withheld, and you'll get complete systems each time that you can go and implement immediately. Each one of them is good to add 25 or more net new clients.

The 6-week program is guaranteed to have all the tools, strategies, and implementation tactics that you need to hit 25 or more new clients.

I hope you will join us, and it is a proven program over and over and over again. I think you'll find it extremely empowering. Thank you very much.

6 Weeks to 25 or more Clients:
(Limited Time Intensive)


6 Live Sessions – 60-90 Minutes

Thursdays at 2 pm Mountain Time
(Each session is recorded with replay and transcript available to all participants.)
Access to “Member’s Only“ Discussion Forum during intensive

(which includes our highest-level member advisor practices who will help answer your questions and share their results.)



Get in Front of 25, 100’s, 1,000’s, even 10,000 or

more potential clients and scoop them up!


Create a Literal Flood of Appointments to turn into Discovery Meetings and Clients at little or no cost. You may have tried and failed to promote in this way, but I’ll teach you the missing secrets to accomplishing appointments that turn into great clients. Our clients have generated as many as 20 new clients in 4 hours using the structure, operations plan, and script for this incredible system. Your area has a HUGE number of opportunities for you to get in front of 25 or more or perhaps even 10’s of thousands of people in a few hours, a day or a weekend.


We’ve seen in just the last few weeks…. 154 appointments (and 42 new clients) from live promotions with events.   47 appointments (and 14 new clients) in 4 hours at a community event, and I could go on and on.  This has been a huge feeder for over 40 years now for my own advisor practices and has been replicated with my financial advisor clients over and over again.  Some of our biggest success stories come from a few well-timed “home-runs” with this system. 


The Secret of Multiplying each Client: Family & Friends, Word of Mouth.

Most advisor practices create just a “trickle” of clients each month from referrals. They ask their clients about their friends or colleagues and try other impotent processes.  


I’ll teach the “insider’s secrets” to creating a flood of referrals. 4 Complete Systems that consistently fill your practice with excited friends and converts them quickly and easily into clients.  Also, two great (and very valuable) FREE bonuses both aimed to help you dramatically accelerate your internal growth from referrals.   Plus, I’ll include two powerful free bonuses that give you additional tools to accelerate your referrals:   “Ultimate Referral Machine” (sold otherwise for $997) and, the “Ambassador Program” (also, sold otherwise for $997.)


For every retiree client you have, what if you also had their children or other beneficiaries working with you?


This one system will show you how to go from just having soon to be or recently retired clients to also having their children working with you.  I’ve personally averaged about half of my clients have their children begin investing too. How would your practice change if you created a huge flow of people still in the acquisition phase with no additional effort?   I’ll show you how to engage second and third generations and create a great family environment.


Most advisor practices engage prospective clients a few at a time at best. They ask for referrals or host “plate-licker” dinners and try other impotent processes.  


I’ve literally enrolled 1,000’s of clients from direct outreach with local employers. With one location as many as 6 new clients in one day, 78 in one month, 486 in 10 months. Most “gurus” in our industry completely miss what makes this work. I’ll share with you the missing ingredient.  A step-by-step on how to explode your practice by going directly to where your market is. You’ll have “carte blanch” to promote your ongoing program and completely dominate your market.


 For years now, I have VERY productive relationships with 5 of the 10 largest employers in our state. Free reign to promote to their employees in everything from small live groups, promotions in their newsletters, with a paycheck, and other internal communications to invitations to employee-only events with the ability to run booths, host seminars, and promote in many other ways to the employees. This opens up a huge range of opportunities. I teach you step by step to accomplish access to 25 or more’s or 1,000s at a time with full endorsement.


Oh, and there’s more …… how to get major restaurants and retailers to distribute your materials and promote your practice …. all for free. I’ve had everyone from a $780,000,000 Electronics chain to McDonald's, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Burger King, Chik-Fil-A, and others happily promote my advisor practices.  You’ll learn how.



Guerilla Marketing

54 Things that you can do at minimal expense to be visible everywhere in your community and create a steady and dependable flow of new clients every week with little or no labor AND little or no effort.


Suspect - Lead - Discovery - Onboarding


The missing secrets to turning leads whether it’s attendees at a client event, a lead from a live event, or online leads from your website or Social Media advertising into real solid paying clients. Even advisor practices or outsourced media agencies that do an otherwise good job of creating leads (people who “raise their hands” that they are interested whether by filling in a form or attending an event) into new clients. I’ve seen even $100,000 a month advisor practices WASTE 25%, 50% or more of their leads enrolling ½ or less of the ones that they should.  We’ll teach you insider secrets to closing more enrollments and maximizing everything you do to market your practice.


Online Marketing Done RIGHT.

Since I wrote the book on this subject 24 years ago, most in our industry just don’t understand how to effectively use content marketing combined with effective website design to dominate your area and create a FLOOD of seriously interested and highly qualified leads. And, then turn them quickly into paying clients. We’ll cover the A-Z of search, content marketing, lead capture, lead conversion, and sequential follow-up.

Special Guest: Tracy Thomas.  

Tracy Lee Thomas is an acclaimed business coach, marketing strategist, and author with a career spanning over three decades. He is the pioneering founder of Rev Marketing, a firm renowned for helping thousands of businesses enhance their online presence and growth trajectories. His business acumen extends to the founding of multiple successful companies, including Local Trust Navigator, Rev Publish, and Form A Strategy, showcasing his versatility and entrepreneurial spirit.



Social Media Marketing

Making social media work for you. We’ll hit the A-Z of all of the social media options: what’s working right now to drive traffic to the highest levels for financial advisor practices.  


Learn what’s working now in the range of new organic and viral social media ranging from  “shorts” and “reels” on new platforms such as Threads and TikTok to established “titans” such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.


Learn tactics to make social media advertising turn into clients and avoid wasting your time and effort buying traffic, clicks, and too often leads that don’t turn into clients.  The A-Z of paid advertising across platforms and what’s working right now for the $1,000,000 advisor practices.


Special Guests:

Kate Gaudet Neff, Agency Director – LinkedSelling

LinkedSelling has booked countless sales appointments for B2C and B2B companies alike by utilizing Facebook and LinkedIn. Our proprietary social appointment system has launched experts, consultants, and service businesses into transformational and sustainable growth. Are you ready for that kind of progress?

Kate's LinkedIn Profile


Tanner Stolte, Senior Account Strategist - LinkedSelling

Over the past 8 years, Tanner has helped clients build, run, and scale lead generation campaigns that grow email lists, feed sales teams, and expand pipelines. 8 times out of 10, he can drop your lead cost or fix your broken ads.

Tanner's LinkedIn Profile

I look forward to working with you!

Stephen Oliver, MBA
Founder – Advisor Wealth Mastery

P.S. Two Quick Warnings…

First, this may not be for you.

If you are satisfied with where you are, if you want to be a tourist or spectator, this isn’t for you. This requires that you step up to be winning and grow your practice and improve your operations. Just a warning, I work with “winners”—with players, not spectators.

Second, beware of the “Bozo Explosion”. There’s an explosion of people giving advice to financial advisor practices and attempting to be “Gurus.” I’ve helped develop some of the most profitable advisor practices in the world, and have been “In the Trenches” personally for over 40 years. Much of what you’ll hear from these people aren’t things that are really working to create top 10% - $1,000,000.00+ Financial Advisor practices.

This program will 100% be No BS. No fluff. No “Old Systems” that don’t work in today’s world. No theory without real-world proof of results. What’s working for top-performing Financial Advisor practices, right now.

Finally, I’ll share over $3,997 in Free Bonuses to accelerate your results including my “Extraordinary Financial Advisor Marketing Program” and copies of my 3 current books.

The Amazing Thing Of Course Is The Speed At Which This System Works. It Is Rather Remarkable That You Can IMMEDIATELY Generate Thousands Of Dollars In Additional Revenue Without Ever Being ‘Salesy.

Here is a taste of what you’ll discover in this astonishing practice growth system:

While getting the proven step-by-step strategy is great and in-and-of-itself is worth 6 or even 7-figures a year in additional revenue, I’m going to make this even better for you so you can start implementing immediately.

Here’s a sneak peek of exactly what you’re going to get…

NO GUESSWORK INSTRUCTION - Start growing your Practice immediately with information-rich CDs, DVDs, and complete transcripts.

CRAZY SIMPLE BLUEPRINTS - Get the exact templates you need to increase prospective client flow in the first 90 days.

WHAT’S WORKING NOW - Stay up to date with the latest strategies that successful Financial Advisors are using right now to double, triple, and even quadruple their monthly income.

BONUS MUST-HAVES - Never wonder what your next step is when you get all of your questions answered with exclusive Q&A with Millionaire Maker, Stephen Oliver.

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION - We will do a Special SMALL Group “SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION” meeting to walk your step by step to implement this system.

ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS - We’ll meet One-On-One to guide you personally through the steps that are unique to your Niche, Area, and personal needs. This will be with myself and my team.

Still Not Convinced?? Really?
Check out our website or my YouTube channel:


Stephen Oliver and Mindi Godfrey


Founder & CEO,

Advisory Wealth Mastery

Stephen been the guiding light for the professional revolution in the financial advisor industry for more than 25 years, and is now leading the next generation of advisors to levels of professionalism and performance previously thought impossible!


Senior Coach & Consultant,

Advisory Wealth Mastery

Greg has helped businesses all over the nation. Many companies have doubled or tripled their business success due to coaching and working with Dr. Moody. This is not just due to business advice, but because of the complete attention to all aspects of running a business that works with children. Success in business and in life starts with integrity.

Director of Member Services

Mindi has been on the financial advisor team for over 3 years. She advises and guides financial advisor practices on how to grow their practice and implement the Parthenon Theory created by Advisor Wealth Mastery.

©2023 Advisor Wealth Mastery. All rights reserved.